Saturday 26 September 2015

Life Drawing Session (23/09/15)

On the 23rd of September, we did a life drawing session. I was quite nervous for the session as I'd never done it before and also I rarely draw in my own time so I didn't feel confident about it.
We sat down in the classroom and was introduced to the model before we began doing multiple quick two minute gesture drawings which consisted of the model walking around in circles and we had to capture a pose and draw it on our paper. I didn't exactly like the gesture drawings as the model was constantly moving and I couldn't focus on a particular part to draw and I found this really irritating.
After, we began to do longer poses, starting with 5 minute poses and going up to 15 minute poses. I started off using pencil but realised it wasn't as striking as I hoped on paper and too 'neat'. I switched to using charcoal and felt like this was bolder on paper and I could also use it to smudge and shade in certain areas of my drawings.
After practicing life drawing for a couple of hours, I felt more confident in drawing and focused in what I was doing.
Overall, I found the life drawing session helpful as it allowed me to try out and practice my drawing skills, something I rarely take an interest in. I've also never had to draw portraits of a person standing in front of me so it was also another dimension of drawing I had never tried before.

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